Teams management

Teams list and access management

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Teams list and access management

Tomasz Cybulski
1 month ago

After getting to the team list you will see all teams in your club. This tab contains a lot of important opportunities that are crucial for your club. The first possibility is the option to preview the diary of each team. To do this, click on the blue icon next to the team name. After clicking the icon, you will be redirected to the diary of the selected team. The second important option is to assign a coach to the team. To add the permissions for a coach to a particular diary, select the option from the menu (last column): "add user". Then you’ll see a pop-up with a list of staff members and a list of roles that the staff member can play in the team. Remember, to give coach full access to diary, set him first coach or coach role. Other roles types are read-only. To edit a role in the team, click on the green box next to the staff member's name and select a new role from the list.


If a team has already finished training in your club (oldest year), but you still want to keep their archived data, select "archive" from the menu. You will be able to return to the historical data of this team at any time by checking the "show archive" box in the upper right corner. To permanent delete a team from the system, you should remove all coaches from it in the first step. Then select the "delete" option from the menu of the team. The topic of adding teams has already been mentioned in previous chapters of this guide.